Book Review πŸ“š : Nectar of All World Religions

Genre- Theology / Spiritual Author- @ishwarjoshi Ratings - 5/5⭐
These days people are so busy so the problems are also increasing day by day. Because of that depression, anxiety, tension are very common among all. Book is one of the simplest solution of these problems. Today I’m going to talk about a book which will help you in every state of your life. 🌻Firstly I was really attracted towards the title of this book , and I’m really satisfied with this. The book is as beautiful as the title. A book which will encourage you to think in a different way; will open another door in your life where all the solutions of all your problems are locked in a box and this book is the key of that box of solutions. You can see the world’s beauty when your mind is on the neutral point from where you can feel all the things happening around you and have all the solutions . 🌻In this one book you can get the eleven most important religions’ spiritual thoughts. Sir Ishwar Joshi Awalgaonkar has written the spiritual traditions with the brief historical background and a short biography of the founder. The mention of every religion’s symbol and it’s meaning makes the book so unique and interesting. 🌻 Religions like , Baha’I, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Taoism, Sikhism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism are mentioned in this book with short introduction. One thousand selected spiritual verses without explanation given in this book to enlighten you, to lighten your thought process . 🌻 The author of this book says to read at least one verse in a day and try to apply in your life or try to get the meaning of it. The book is very short but the meaning of the book is really huge and the one thing that I loved the most is the way it is written , the information I got from this book will always be in my heart and I am really very much thankful to the author. It is really an unique idea to write such a religious book where eleven religion ‘ theories are in one book. I request you all to read this book. I would like to add some spiritual theories from different religions mentioned in this book- “Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.” – Geeta. “But if you would number the favours of God, you cannot count them.”- Quaran . “ not give way to heedlessness; do not indulge in sensual pleasures. Only the heedful and meditative attain great happiness.” – Dhammapada.

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