Caste Discrimination! We should update ourselves before Mobiles

The preamble of our constitution of democratic India starts with “We the people of India” but our society depicts another picture. We all belong to different family backgrounds, different castes, different religions, different geographical boundaries and because of these differences we are about to forget that we all are human beings. People are discriminated against their gender, their religion, their caste, their race, their body colors and also language. Our constitution giving us “Equality”, “Liberty”, “Justice”, “Fraternity” but, our mind or our society is not trying to accept these Beautiful opportunities. We never ever forget to update our mobile phones in this so called modern era, but we never ever tried to update ourselves, our thoughts. From the very beginning of study we all know the basic things from books, but we are not trying to apply these in our real life. This is the only reason of all the discrimination.

 Casteism in India: This system is supposed to introduce by the Aryans in ancient India. It is believed that they had come together with this practice for separating the society, they separated the people on the basis of their profession, and it was their strategy to rule very efficiently. In this modern era impact of Casteism is noteworthy not only in rural areas but also in urban areas. The feeling of own class superiority is the main reason of casteism. Those who belong to higher class they judge others negatively. Even now in so many places “So Called Lower Class people” are not getting same facilities as the “So Called Upper Class people” have because of their race, their family background. Actually, we all know that in the world there is nothing exists as upper class people or lower class people but our society always drowning us into this so called casteism. Human mind is uncultured because of this fake casteism. We see Caste endogamy; it requires an individual to marry within a culturally defined group of which he or she is already a member. In India we have “Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith & worship”, there are eight major religions in the world, & the interesting thing is every single of them is practiced in our country, though some people are very serious about their religious sentiments. Some people who belong to particular religion & have money see themselves as superior, as a result in news paper every day we get the news of the Hindu-Muslim riots. We are forgetting that Hindu – Muslim – Christian- Jain- Sikh is nothing but a invisible wall made by people which separating us from each other. But not now concept of rich & poor also discriminate people, those who have that much money they are like they are the societal head. Discrimination against Language: People also discriminated against their language. Yes, language plays another role in this so called system. There are many things that make us what we are, & language is one most important of them. Language is influenced by geography of that place. Sometimes, we meet people who are very different from us & we may find them unfamiliar. In school colleges , students are going to cities to develop their self skills and they are often prejudiced about their language , for example , in classroom a group of students is fluent in English and others are not comfortable as them , then those students started judge them negatively. Not only in classroom, there are many families, in our city and also others who thinks English is the best language and other languages are not important, as a result those people might not respect people who speak other languages. They started measure their intelligence through language. Language gives us the ability to communicate our intelligence to others by talking, reading, or writing our thoughts, views, and opinions. Language doesn’t measure intelligence.

 Our constitution is great it already updated with time but our minds are not updating. Go and update yourself with the times and make a new India where the word “Discrimination” will not exist.


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