Because Life is a Gift - Disha

Book- Because Life Is aa Gift
Genre : Self-help ; Motivational๐ŸŒผ
Pages : 196 ๐Ÿ“ƒ๐Ÿ“ƒ
Published on - 2014 ⏳
Publisher : @srishtipub 
Price: 86 ๐Ÿ’ธ
Ratings: 4⭐

⭐ After getting a huge range of responses on her first work " My Beloved's MBA plans"  she wrote another one "Because Life is a Gift" her intention here is to bring a  social change . Disha the author of this book is an IIM- Calcutta alumna and works in the corporate sector.
A motivational book  with 15 best motivational stories about “differently-abled” people which bring  hope and courage into your life & at same time it will push you to respect rather than sympathy for them also it  will motivate you to touch the milestone of your life. 
The story of Sai Prasad Viswanathan sitting on a wheelchair he dreamt of skydiving and fulfilled it and his name was entered in the ‘Limca Book of Records’.๐Ÿ”ด
๐Ÿ‘ฉStory of Sheela Sharama who lost her arms in an accident but she trained herself with all the possibilities, now she one of the renowned painter in our country.
Other stories are there in this book who struggled a lot but never ever disappointed, who knows to live because they realised that life is a gift. 

 ๐Ÿ’ŒThere are two messages, 

⭕one is for those who are suffering from any disorder and Prejudiced by the society that there is noting that is impossible. If one door is closed there are many other doors to be opened, we have to be hopeful. 
⭕Another is for our society who marginalized, people who are affected or kind of disable are incapable . They should change their this nagetive thinkings and encourage them , and make them feel that they are normal as we are. 
⚫Disha just has proved it with those amazing stories that there is nothing exist as “Incapable” . Her writing style is so simple, and she used  very simple language that easy to understand. “Because life is a Gift” is available in Amazon and Flipkart. 


  1. Thank you for the book recommendation. I love reading self-help books and I think I enjoyed your review. I have some inspiration from this book.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐ŸŒธ

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